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Your Extraordinary Self Masterclass
Welcome to Your Extraordinary Self!! (5:31)
Welcome to #Mycircle
Lesson 1 - Self, meet brain - brain, meet self
That little thing called mindset (7:33)
The things we tell ourselves (16:21)
Creativity, it was around here somewhere (9:03)
Train, don't drain that brain (14:05)
Lesson 1 - Personal Challenges!
Lesson 2 - The Power of Choice
Crossroads (10:50)
Who's the matter with me today (10:26)
Stuck in the middle again (16:08)
Lesson 2 Personal Challenges
Lesson 3 - Passion Fruit
Introduction (0:55)
Desire, the root of all passion (12:53)
One, two, three, let's goal! (17:26)
Intentional living (6:38)
Life in the sweet spot (10:43)
Your first #Mycircle challenge!
Lesson 4 - Flip the Negative Switch to "Off"
Introduction (0:59)
Attitude, yours and yours alone (10:22)
Words are a powerful thing (9:49)
Lifters and anchors (13:54)
Lesson 5 - Who Am I Today?
Introduction (0:51)
Being present in the moment (16:55)
Minding more than your manners (8:52)
Sweet emotion (22:37)
Fear smear (19:45)
Your second #Mycircle challenge!
Lesson 6 - Gratitude's the New Attitude
Introduction (0:35)
What's not to be grateful for? (15:46)
There's always more than enough (3:38)
Making a difference (18:08)
Lesson 7 - Be Devilishly Selfish While Loving Others
Introduction (0:57)
At the core (7:04)
Success is not final, failure is not fatal (15:16)
Growth happens outside our comfort zone (12:26)
Forgiveness is the Next Best Medicine (10:09)
Self-Acceptance (14:50)
Your last #Mycircle challenge!
Wrap up
Course recap (3:11)
Your feedback
What's next
Teach online with
Attitude, yours and yours alone
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